Criteria for selecting manuscripts for the journal "Theory and History of Art"
Postgraduates, undergraduates and students provide a review of the supervisor for the submitted articles.
1. The volume of the article - min up to 1 author. sheet (40,000 characters with spaces, including annotation, bibliography and References), reviews and reviews - up to 0.5 authors. sheet. The text is provided on electronic media in the WORD editor with a printout or by e-mail (files with materials must be named by the author's name).
Times New Roman font, A4 page format. Margins: top - 1.5 cm; bottom, right and left - 2 cm.
1.1. A separate file is provided by the Author's reference in the following form:
– FULL NAME. fully;
– academic degree and academic title;
– position, name of the department, department, sector, etc .;
– name of organization (full) / place of work;
– postal code and address of the organization / place of work;
– postal code and address for correspondence;
– telephone;
– E-mail.
2. The structure of the article should be as follows:
3. Content and structure of the annotation.
The abstract should reflect the main semantic content of the article and its characteristics (using verb forms and phrases of the following type: considered ..., stated ..., approved ..., proposed ..., justified ...; methods are used ..., provisions (concepts, ideas) are justified .. ., an overview is given ...; considered ..., presented ..., identified ..., proposed ...; an analysis is given ..., a conclusion is made ..., a theory (concept) is presented ... etc. .).
In connection with the preparation of the journal "Theory and History of Art" for inclusion in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications (VAK) and in the future for indexing in the International Information Analytical System Sciverse Scopus, the editorial board of the journal asks to pay special attention to the preparation of annotations in accordance with the peculiarities of this genre.
- manuscripts containing previously unpublished research results in the field of current problems of the theory and history of various types of art;
- research that has scientific novelty, originality of the idea that forms the basis of the proposed solution;
- studies containing reasonable conclusions;
- studies containing prospects for the use of its results in academic activities and educational and pedagogical practice;
- manuscripts made in accordance with the stylistic norms of the Russian (or foreign) literary and written language and art history terminology; manuscripts that do not contain incorrect borrowings;
- manuscripts made using modern methods of information analysis and processing;
- manuscripts whose critical and bibliographic apparatus (along with classical works) contains references to new and recent research in the field of theory and history of art;
- manuscripts of articles designed according to the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation;
- manuscripts that have passed internal review with a positive review;
- manuscripts of articles whose author (s) have agreed to their publication.
Postgraduates, undergraduates and students provide a review of the supervisor for the submitted articles.
1. The volume of the article - min up to 1 author. sheet (40,000 characters with spaces, including annotation, bibliography and References), reviews and reviews - up to 0.5 authors. sheet. The text is provided on electronic media in the WORD editor with a printout or by e-mail (files with materials must be named by the author's name).
Times New Roman font, A4 page format. Margins: top - 1.5 cm; bottom, right and left - 2 cm.
1.1. A separate file is provided by the Author's reference in the following form:
– FULL NAME. fully;
– academic degree and academic title;
– position, name of the department, department, sector, etc .;
– name of organization (full) / place of work;
– postal code and address of the organization / place of work;
– postal code and address for correspondence;
– telephone;
– E-mail.
2. The structure of the article should be as follows:
- UDC and BBK are put down in the upper left corner;
- at 1.0 spacing, the title of the article is printed in the center, in lowercase letters, bold font, size 11, hyphenation is prohibited (in Russian);
- after 1.0 interval the author's / authors' full name (initials are placed before the surname) in the center with a capital letter in lowercase letters (II Ivanov), without indicating the degree and rank, size 11 (in Russian); below the full name of the organization, its address with postal code, country (in Russian) and the author's email address, size 9 are indicated in lower case letters;
- at intervals of 1.0, the abstract is printed (from 200 to 250 words (1500-1800 characters without spaces)), size 9, in italics (in Russian);
- at intervals of 1.0, key words are printed (from 10 to 15 words), size 9, in italics (in Russian);
- at 1.0 interval in English the following are printed: the title of the article, the author / authors are centered with a capital letter in lowercase letters, the font is light (indicate the full name of the organization, its address, country), the abstract and keywords - in the same sequence and in in accordance with the same requirements as in Russian;
- at 1.0 spacing, the text of the article is printed, size 11, line spacing throughout the text - single, paragraph indentation - 1 cm (5 characters), automatic word wrap is on, quotes throughout the text are only angular, except for sentences when there are quotes inside quotation marks (drawn up according to the rules of the Russian language);
- at 1.0 interval, a bibliographic list in Russian (title "References") and a list of references in Latin (title References) are printed (include used literature; all authors are indicated in the bibliographic description).
3. Content and structure of the annotation.
The abstract should reflect the main semantic content of the article and its characteristics (using verb forms and phrases of the following type: considered ..., stated ..., approved ..., proposed ..., justified ...; methods are used ..., provisions (concepts, ideas) are justified .. ., an overview is given ...; considered ..., presented ..., identified ..., proposed ...; an analysis is given ..., a conclusion is made ..., a theory (concept) is presented ... etc. .).
In connection with the preparation of the journal "Theory and History of Art" for inclusion in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications (VAK) and in the future for indexing in the International Information Analytical System Sciverse Scopus, the editorial board of the journal asks to pay special attention to the preparation of annotations in accordance with the peculiarities of this genre.
Requirements for articles
4. Requirements for the design of the sections "References" and References.
After the article, the "References" and References are drawn up in separate sections (font Times New Roman, size 9). The numbering of the "List of references" and references to it in the text are performed WITHOUT using the automatic list.
The set of back-to-text bibliographic references (list of used literature) is drawn up as a list of bibliographic records placed after the text of the document. The numbering is continuous throughout the text. To link with the text of the document, the ordinal number of the bibliographic record in the text link is typed in square brackets in the line with the text of the document. If the link leads to a specific fragment of the text of the document, the quotation, in the reference indicate the serial number and pages on which the link object is placed. Separate the information with a comma. Example: [10] or [10, p. 81].
The objects of compiling a bibliographic reference are also electronic resources of local and remote access. Links are made both to electronic resources in general (electronic documents, databases, portals, sites, web pages, forums, etc.), and to component parts of electronic resources (sections and parts of electronic documents, portals, sites, web -pages, publications in electronic serials, messages on forums, etc.). After the e-mail address, in parentheses, information about the date of access to the electronic network resource is given: after the words "date of access", the date, month and year are indicated.
References to literary sources in Arabic, Chinese and other oriental languages should be given in transliteration using the Latin alphabet.
In the bibliographic description in the References section, the titles of articles from journals and collections are omitted (if you save the titles of articles, you must include their translation into English in the description); original titles of books (monographs, collections, conference proceedings) published in Cyrillic are given in transliteration (in italics) and in English (in square brackets); output data (city for book editions), volume (vol.), number (no.), pages (pp., p.)) are translated into English. Mandatory output data: for articles from journals - year, volume, number, pages; for book publications - place of publication, year, number of pages. If the "References" contains all references only in the Latin alphabet, then the References section may be absent.
One GOST transliteration system is used (see Internet).
Attention! In the text, all hyperlinks must be inactive (disabled).
5. Registration of links. References to the cited literature are made out in the text when using direct quotation (if the quotation is a detailed, complete statement) in square brackets. The quotation must be included in the text of the article, that is, it must be accompanied by the words of the author indicating the source of the citation, for example: In the work "Dialectics of Myth" (1930) A.F. Losev writes: "The text of the quotation" [1, p. 15] (the first digit denotes the ordinal number in the List of references, the second - the page of the cited source). If methods of indirect citation or partial citation are used (i.e., individual words, phrases, turns of speech), then the link is drawn up as a subscript (in the text - superscript; at the bottom of the page - under a solid line separating the main text, font Times New Roman, size 9, a bibliographic description of the cited source is given, for example: 1See: Igosheva T.V. Early Lyrics of A.A. Blok (1898-1904): Poetics of Religious Symbolism.M .: Global Com, 2013. P. 15-25 [ one])). As well as a subscript link (superscript), author's notes are also formatted.
6. Authors of articles published in the original language (English, German, French) additionally provide an abstract of the article in the volume of 4500 characters without spaces (700 words) in Russian.
After the article, the "References" and References are drawn up in separate sections (font Times New Roman, size 9). The numbering of the "List of references" and references to it in the text are performed WITHOUT using the automatic list.
The set of back-to-text bibliographic references (list of used literature) is drawn up as a list of bibliographic records placed after the text of the document. The numbering is continuous throughout the text. To link with the text of the document, the ordinal number of the bibliographic record in the text link is typed in square brackets in the line with the text of the document. If the link leads to a specific fragment of the text of the document, the quotation, in the reference indicate the serial number and pages on which the link object is placed. Separate the information with a comma. Example: [10] or [10, p. 81].
The objects of compiling a bibliographic reference are also electronic resources of local and remote access. Links are made both to electronic resources in general (electronic documents, databases, portals, sites, web pages, forums, etc.), and to component parts of electronic resources (sections and parts of electronic documents, portals, sites, web -pages, publications in electronic serials, messages on forums, etc.). After the e-mail address, in parentheses, information about the date of access to the electronic network resource is given: after the words "date of access", the date, month and year are indicated.
References to literary sources in Arabic, Chinese and other oriental languages should be given in transliteration using the Latin alphabet.
In the bibliographic description in the References section, the titles of articles from journals and collections are omitted (if you save the titles of articles, you must include their translation into English in the description); original titles of books (monographs, collections, conference proceedings) published in Cyrillic are given in transliteration (in italics) and in English (in square brackets); output data (city for book editions), volume (vol.), number (no.), pages (pp., p.)) are translated into English. Mandatory output data: for articles from journals - year, volume, number, pages; for book publications - place of publication, year, number of pages. If the "References" contains all references only in the Latin alphabet, then the References section may be absent.
One GOST transliteration system is used (see Internet).
Attention! In the text, all hyperlinks must be inactive (disabled).
5. Registration of links. References to the cited literature are made out in the text when using direct quotation (if the quotation is a detailed, complete statement) in square brackets. The quotation must be included in the text of the article, that is, it must be accompanied by the words of the author indicating the source of the citation, for example: In the work "Dialectics of Myth" (1930) A.F. Losev writes: "The text of the quotation" [1, p. 15] (the first digit denotes the ordinal number in the List of references, the second - the page of the cited source). If methods of indirect citation or partial citation are used (i.e., individual words, phrases, turns of speech), then the link is drawn up as a subscript (in the text - superscript; at the bottom of the page - under a solid line separating the main text, font Times New Roman, size 9, a bibliographic description of the cited source is given, for example: 1See: Igosheva T.V. Early Lyrics of A.A. Blok (1898-1904): Poetics of Religious Symbolism.M .: Global Com, 2013. P. 15-25 [ one])). As well as a subscript link (superscript), author's notes are also formatted.
6. Authors of articles published in the original language (English, German, French) additionally provide an abstract of the article in the volume of 4500 characters without spaces (700 words) in Russian.
Attention! Publications of scientific articles of the Higher Attestation Commission contain illustrations and tables that must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST.
7. Illustrations (drawings) must be MANDATORY sent in separate files in polygraphic resolution (300 dots per inch (dpi)) in formats: jpg, tiff; ai, eps.
8. The name of the illustration files must contain its number corresponding to its number in the text, and the author's surname.
9. Illustrations should be inserted in-place into the text in Microsoft Word.
Figures are placed in the text as needed to clarify the text. They can be located both in the text itself, immediately after the text to which they refer, or at the end. It is not allowed to insert pictures and captions into table windows. Illustrations must comply with GOST regulations. Illustrations are numbered sequentially and in Arabic numerals. The exceptions are illustrations in the appendices. In this case, a separate numbering in Arabic numerals is used for illustrations of the application with the addition of the designation of this application. For example:
Figure B-2.
The illustrations can be numbered within the section. Moreover, its number includes the number of the section and the number of the illustration itself in the section. Example:
Figure 3.2.
An example of a link to a figure in the text:
Figure 2 shows a diagram of the algorithm for finding the maximum element in an array of numbers. The input data here is an array of real numbers, and the output is the number of the array element corresponding to the maximum number ...
An example of a caption caption:
Figure 2 - Scheme of the algorithm for finding the maximum element in an array of numbers
(no dot)
If there is only one drawing, it is not numbered.
10. Drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, illustrations placed in publications must comply with the requirements of state standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD).
11. Text design of illustrations in electronic documents: Times New Roman or Symbol font, 9 point size, Greek symbols - direct type, Latin - italic.
12. All tables should have a title (title) and links in the text. The name should reflect their content, be precise, concise, placed above the table. The table should be placed immediately after the paragraph in which it is first mentioned. A table with a large number of lines is allowed to wrap to another page. As a rule, the headings of the graphs are written parallel to the rows of the table; if necessary, the perpendicular arrangement of the headings of the columns is allowed.
13. When preparing tables, it should be taken into account whether the magazine has the technical ability to produce inserts for multi-column tables that do not fit on a full spread of the magazine format. Text formatting of tables in electronic documents: Times New Roman or Symbol font, 9 point size, Greek symbols - direct type, Latin - italic. Tables do not need to be presented in separate documents.
Attention! Publications of scientific articles of the Higher Attestation Commission contain illustrations and tables that must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST.
7. Illustrations (drawings) must be MANDATORY sent in separate files in polygraphic resolution (300 dots per inch (dpi)) in formats: jpg, tiff; ai, eps.
8. The name of the illustration files must contain its number corresponding to its number in the text, and the author's surname.
9. Illustrations should be inserted in-place into the text in Microsoft Word.
Figures are placed in the text as needed to clarify the text. They can be located both in the text itself, immediately after the text to which they refer, or at the end. It is not allowed to insert pictures and captions into table windows. Illustrations must comply with GOST regulations. Illustrations are numbered sequentially and in Arabic numerals. The exceptions are illustrations in the appendices. In this case, a separate numbering in Arabic numerals is used for illustrations of the application with the addition of the designation of this application. For example:
Figure B-2.
The illustrations can be numbered within the section. Moreover, its number includes the number of the section and the number of the illustration itself in the section. Example:
Figure 3.2.
An example of a link to a figure in the text:
Figure 2 shows a diagram of the algorithm for finding the maximum element in an array of numbers. The input data here is an array of real numbers, and the output is the number of the array element corresponding to the maximum number ...
An example of a caption caption:
Figure 2 - Scheme of the algorithm for finding the maximum element in an array of numbers
(no dot)
If there is only one drawing, it is not numbered.
10. Drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, illustrations placed in publications must comply with the requirements of state standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD).
11. Text design of illustrations in electronic documents: Times New Roman or Symbol font, 9 point size, Greek symbols - direct type, Latin - italic.
12. All tables should have a title (title) and links in the text. The name should reflect their content, be precise, concise, placed above the table. The table should be placed immediately after the paragraph in which it is first mentioned. A table with a large number of lines is allowed to wrap to another page. As a rule, the headings of the graphs are written parallel to the rows of the table; if necessary, the perpendicular arrangement of the headings of the columns is allowed.
13. When preparing tables, it should be taken into account whether the magazine has the technical ability to produce inserts for multi-column tables that do not fit on a full spread of the magazine format. Text formatting of tables in electronic documents: Times New Roman or Symbol font, 9 point size, Greek symbols - direct type, Latin - italic. Tables do not need to be presented in separate documents.
14. Equations and formulas should be typed either using the standard MS Word plug-in - Equation, or the MathType program, or the formula editor in the OpenOffice Math package. Equations and formulas should be separated from the text on a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation, at least one free line must be left. If the equation does not fit on one line, then it must be wrapped after the equal sign (=) or after the plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (×), division (:) or other mathematical signs, and the sign at the beginning the next line is repeated.
15. An explanation of the meanings of symbols and numerical coefficients should be given directly under the formula in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula. Formulas in the report should be numbered with sequential numbering throughout the entire report in Arabic numerals in parentheses in the extreme right position on the line.
A = a: b, (1)
B = c: e. (2)
References in the text to ordinal numbers of formulas are given in brackets.
Example - ... in formula (1), etc.
The order of presentation in the publication of mathematical equations is the same as for formulas.
16. Applications are of two types: informational and mandatory. Informational applications can be of a reference and recommended nature.
Requirements of the editors of VAK journals The text must contain links to all appendices. And the applications themselves are arranged in the order of priority of references to them in the text. An exception is the Bibliography Appendix, which always follows the latter.
Each appendix begins on a new page with its name and below it, in parentheses, is marked “required” if it is required and “recommended” or “reference” if it is informational.
17. Applications are designated in Russian or Latin capital letters that follow its name and have continuous pagination with all the text.
The documents contained in the appendix are designated by its capital letter and have their own number in this appendix. If there is a content of the text, then it must indicate all annexes with their numbers and titles.
14. Equations and formulas should be typed either using the standard MS Word plug-in - Equation, or the MathType program, or the formula editor in the OpenOffice Math package. Equations and formulas should be separated from the text on a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation, at least one free line must be left. If the equation does not fit on one line, then it must be wrapped after the equal sign (=) or after the plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (×), division (:) or other mathematical signs, and the sign at the beginning the next line is repeated.
15. An explanation of the meanings of symbols and numerical coefficients should be given directly under the formula in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula. Formulas in the report should be numbered with sequential numbering throughout the entire report in Arabic numerals in parentheses in the extreme right position on the line.
A = a: b, (1)
B = c: e. (2)
References in the text to ordinal numbers of formulas are given in brackets.
Example - ... in formula (1), etc.
The order of presentation in the publication of mathematical equations is the same as for formulas.
16. Applications are of two types: informational and mandatory. Informational applications can be of a reference and recommended nature.
Requirements of the editors of VAK journals The text must contain links to all appendices. And the applications themselves are arranged in the order of priority of references to them in the text. An exception is the Bibliography Appendix, which always follows the latter.
Each appendix begins on a new page with its name and below it, in parentheses, is marked “required” if it is required and “recommended” or “reference” if it is informational.
17. Applications are designated in Russian or Latin capital letters that follow its name and have continuous pagination with all the text.
The documents contained in the appendix are designated by its capital letter and have their own number in this appendix. If there is a content of the text, then it must indicate all annexes with their numbers and titles.