1. The purpose of reviewing articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal "Theory and History of Art" ("THА") that correspond to the subject of the journal is to obtain an independent expert assessment of the relevance, theoretical and practical significance of the materials published in the article.
2. The review procedure of all articles is preceded by a check for incorrect borrowings using the "Anti-Plagiarism" system.
3. After successful verification through the Anti-Plagiarism system, the editor-in-chief of the journal «THА» determines whether the article meets the journal's profile and design requirements, and then sends it for review to external experts. The review is conducted on the principle of anonymity – the reviewer does not know the author, and the author does not know the reviewer.
4. For reviewing incoming articles, the journal "THА" attracts independent experts who are recognized experts in the field of art criticism and have publications on the subject stated in the journal over the past 3 years
5. The reviewer evaluates the article according to the following criteria that are essential for the formation of a balanced and objective decision on the acceptance of the article for publication:
- the relevance of the chosen topic and its relevance to the goals and topics of the journal;
- compliance of the content of the article with its topic specified in the title;
- the quality of the abstract-does the presented abstract allow us to accurately understand the essence of the research conducted by the author, its methodology and the significance of the results obtained;
- the quality of the presentation of the study and its results - how accurately and clearly the subject, objectives, methodology and main results of the study are presented;
- the quality of conclusions and scientific argumentation – scientific novelty, significance, logic, validity and reliability of conclusions;
- the quality of the literature used – an assessment of the scientific literature and / or sources used by the author of the article, in terms of their relevance to the problems of research, relevance, sufficiency for solving the tasks set;
- the quality of the design of the work-an assessment of the formal compliance of the article with the requirements for the preparation of academic journal articles (the presence of the necessary structural elements devoted to the relevance of the research topic, the analysis of the state of the question, the formulation of the problem being solved, the research methodology, the results obtained, the critical analysis of the results, conclusions; the style of presentation, the correctness of the design and the validity of the use of tables, diagrams, drawings and formulas, the correctness of the design of bibliographic references and the list of references);
- the scientific value of the article is the degree of scientific novelty, interest for the scientific community from the point of view of the contribution to the development of science.
6. The secretary of the editorial board of the journal "THА" notifies the authors of the receipt of the article and sending it for review no later than seven days. The terms of reviewing are agreed in advance with the experts, but do not exceed two months.
7. The editorial board of the journal "THА" sends the authors of the articles copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to publish, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in case of receiving an official request from the Ministry. The original reviews are stored in the archive of the publishing house "BOS" indefinitely.
8. The article rejected by the reviewers is not accepted for re-consideration.
9. A positive assessment of the article by the reviewer is not a guarantee of the publication of the article. The final decision on the expediency of publishing an article is made by the editorial board of the journal "THА".
10. After the editorial board of the journal makes a final decision on the publication of the article, the author receives a corresponding notification indicating the expected publication dates.
11. The process of reviewing the works submitted for publication, as is now customary in reputable domestic and foreign publications, is of a mixed nature: the works of young researchers undergo a "blind", anonymous review, the works of masters of art science undergo a" face-to-face " review, i.e. with the announcement of the name of the reviewer to the author of the article.
2. The review procedure of all articles is preceded by a check for incorrect borrowings using the "Anti-Plagiarism" system.
3. After successful verification through the Anti-Plagiarism system, the editor-in-chief of the journal «THА» determines whether the article meets the journal's profile and design requirements, and then sends it for review to external experts. The review is conducted on the principle of anonymity – the reviewer does not know the author, and the author does not know the reviewer.
4. For reviewing incoming articles, the journal "THА" attracts independent experts who are recognized experts in the field of art criticism and have publications on the subject stated in the journal over the past 3 years
5. The reviewer evaluates the article according to the following criteria that are essential for the formation of a balanced and objective decision on the acceptance of the article for publication:
- the relevance of the chosen topic and its relevance to the goals and topics of the journal;
- compliance of the content of the article with its topic specified in the title;
- the quality of the abstract-does the presented abstract allow us to accurately understand the essence of the research conducted by the author, its methodology and the significance of the results obtained;
- the quality of the presentation of the study and its results - how accurately and clearly the subject, objectives, methodology and main results of the study are presented;
- the quality of conclusions and scientific argumentation – scientific novelty, significance, logic, validity and reliability of conclusions;
- the quality of the literature used – an assessment of the scientific literature and / or sources used by the author of the article, in terms of their relevance to the problems of research, relevance, sufficiency for solving the tasks set;
- the quality of the design of the work-an assessment of the formal compliance of the article with the requirements for the preparation of academic journal articles (the presence of the necessary structural elements devoted to the relevance of the research topic, the analysis of the state of the question, the formulation of the problem being solved, the research methodology, the results obtained, the critical analysis of the results, conclusions; the style of presentation, the correctness of the design and the validity of the use of tables, diagrams, drawings and formulas, the correctness of the design of bibliographic references and the list of references);
- the scientific value of the article is the degree of scientific novelty, interest for the scientific community from the point of view of the contribution to the development of science.
6. The secretary of the editorial board of the journal "THА" notifies the authors of the receipt of the article and sending it for review no later than seven days. The terms of reviewing are agreed in advance with the experts, but do not exceed two months.
7. The editorial board of the journal "THА" sends the authors of the articles copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to publish, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in case of receiving an official request from the Ministry. The original reviews are stored in the archive of the publishing house "BOS" indefinitely.
8. The article rejected by the reviewers is not accepted for re-consideration.
9. A positive assessment of the article by the reviewer is not a guarantee of the publication of the article. The final decision on the expediency of publishing an article is made by the editorial board of the journal "THА".
10. After the editorial board of the journal makes a final decision on the publication of the article, the author receives a corresponding notification indicating the expected publication dates.
11. The process of reviewing the works submitted for publication, as is now customary in reputable domestic and foreign publications, is of a mixed nature: the works of young researchers undergo a "blind", anonymous review, the works of masters of art science undergo a" face-to-face " review, i.e. with the announcement of the name of the reviewer to the author of the article.
The procedure for reviewing articles in the journal
"Theory and History of Art"
"Theory and History of Art"