The journal is included in the "List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science, for the degree of doctor of science" should be published.

Information about published articles is provided to the RSCI system in accordance with contract No. 26-02 / 2021 dated February 2, 2021 with Scientific Electronic Library LLC. Subscription index of the PM387 magazine in the Russian Post catalog.

Objectives of the publication:
  • contribute to the development, promotion and consolidation of Russia's leading world positions in the field of research in the theory and history of art;
  • create an effective platform for professional discussion of a wide range of fundamental problems of art history;
  • create an effective platform for researching the possibilities of introducing current developments in the field of art history in pedagogical and artistic practice;
  • create a communication platform for a professional dialogue between Russian and foreign scientists working in the field of art history and related fields;
  • to involve promising young art experts in research work on problems in the field of theory and history of art.

The tasks of the publication:
  • development and promotion of topical and promising areas of scientific research in the field of art history;
  • providing art scholars with the opportunity to publish the results of their research in the field of theory and history of art;
  • involvement of authoritative domestic and foreign researchers-art critics, who are recognized experts-art critics, in the work of the journal;
  • uniting efforts to ensure the exchange of opinions between art researchers from different regions of Russia;
  • attraction of well-known Russian and foreign art experts, theoreticians and practitioners to the editorial board;
  • ensuring a high level of scientific publications in accordance with international requirements and including the publication in international databases;
  • increasing the impact factor of the publication;
  • promotion of the publication on the international and Russian markets.

What audience is the publication addressed to:
  • The publication is addressed to a wide range of domestic and foreign researchers-art critics working in the field of theory and history of various types of art, as well as in related fields of humanitarian knowledge;
  • teachers of higher education in the areas of training established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - "Art Criticism", "History of Art", "Art and Humanities", "Fine Arts", as well as students and graduate students specializing in these areas of art history;
  • art workers, as well as a wide range of readers involved in the problems of art history.

The history of the foundation and development of the publication
  • The journal "Theory and History of Art" is published at the Faculty of Arts of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov since 2012 (first trial release). Since the largest university in Russia - Moscow University - does not have an art history magazine, the journal Theory and History of Art, published by the Faculty of Arts, unites art researchers from various faculties and departments of the Moscow State University. Lomonosov, as well as foreign art critics collaborating with the faculties of Moscow State University, thus providing ample opportunities for scientific discussions and exchange of professional experience not only in the field of theory and history of art, but also in education in the field of art and methodology of specialized training.
  • Over the past years, the journal has steadily gained popularity and respect in the domestic and foreign scientific community, becoming an authoritative art publication: the journal published the results of research of the teaching staff and young scientists of the Faculty of Arts, employees of other departments of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow State University Archive, Fundamental Library), as well as Russian and foreign art critics who are actively working in the field of theory, history and methodology of art.
  • In recent years, more than 200 articles have been published on topics of theory and history of art, semiotics of art, psychology and pedagogy of artistic creativity, musical, theatrical, choreographic and verbal arts. The initiator of the creation and editor-in-chief of the journal is the dean of the Faculty of Arts, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of the Bologna Academy of Sciences Alexander Pavlovich Lobodanov.

Other significant features of the publication:
  • The journal cooperates with well-known foreign art scholars and actively publishes the results of their research, thereby expanding the circle of international scientific communication and cooperation in the field of theory and history of art.
  • A third of the editorial staff are professors of foreign universities, scientists-researchers from the USA, China, Italy, Spain, well-known in the scientific world of art history, who belong to the faculty of the Faculty of Arts of Moscow State University.
  • Five members of the editorial board - holders of academic degrees obtained in a foreign country (USA, Italy, Spain, Austria).
  • The editorial board includes 9 doctors of sciences (VAK RF), 2 candidates of sciences (VAK RF), 5 holders of academic degrees (PhD) obtained in a foreign state, teaching staff.
  • The editorial board of the journal in a balanced way recommends for publication both the works of venerable art researchers and young scientists who actively and meaningfully participate in the development of topical problems of theory and history of art.
  • The editorial board of the journal responds to memorable dates significant for the history of world culture and art with a selection of publications dedicated to the contribution of his great figures to world art: the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante, the 300th anniversary of birth of M.V. Lomonosov; Issue 1-2 of 2020 was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory - the art of the war years and works about the war years.
  • The editorial board of the journal treats carefully the preservation and publication of memorial archival materials, acquainting interested circles of researchers with the memoirs, first of all, of professors of Moscow University. Thus, in eight issues of the magazine (2015-2016), the memoirs of Professor Pavlov about the musical, performing (vocals, piano, conducting, choreography), theatrical and stage life of Moscow in 1920-1930 were first published.
The journal includes articles on contemporary issues in the history and theory of art. 

Intended for specialists, postgraduates and students of humanities faculties of universities specializing in various fields of art history, as well as for a wide range of readers involved in the problems of art history.

Keywords: art, art studies; theory, history of art and culture; semiotics, psychology and philosophy of art; musical art, stage arts; fine arts and architecture; verbal arts; artistic creativity and culture.specialists, students in the humanities and general readers. Key words: art, art history, semiotics; theory, history and pedagogy of art; literature, music, theater, choreography, painting, creativity.
About the journal "Theory and History of Art"